An iterable of FrameEntryType frames
Criteria with required frame attributes
Filter for all the matching games from a SlippiGame iterable
An iterable of SlippiGame games
Criteria with required game attributes
Find out if frame matches the given criteria
( object that will be checked
Criteria with required frame attributes
Find out if game matches the given criteria
( object that will be checked
Criteria with required game attributes
Find out if player matches the given criteria
PlayerType object that will be checked
Criteria with required player attributes
Find out if player frame matches the given criteria
Player frame object that will be checked
Criteria with required player frame attributes
Find out if postframe update matches the given criteria
[[PostFrameUpdateType]] object that will be checked
Criteria with required postframe attributes
Find out if preframe update matches the given criteria
[[PreFrameUpdateType]] object that will be checked
Criteria with required preframe attributes
Perform some function with an iterable of FrameEntryType frames that fit some given criteria
An iterable of FrameEntryType frames
Criteria with required frame attributes
Callback function to be called with each matching frame
Perform some function with an iterable of SlippiGame games that fit some given criteria
An iterable of SlippiGame games
Criteria with required game attributes
Callback function to be called with each matching game
Generated using TypeDoc
Filter for all the matching frames from a FrameEntryType iterable