Module ascii_art¶
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from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def weigh(c, font):
"""Find and return density of dark pixels in the given character"""
w, h = (6, 11)
fw, fh = font.getsize(c)
im ="L", (fw, fh))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text(((w - fw) / 2, (h - fh) / 2), c, 255, font=font)
n = len([p for p in im.getdata() if p > 0])
return n / (w * h)
def weigh_chars(chars, font, invert: bool, normalize: bool):
weighted_chars = dict()
for c in chars:
w = weigh(c, font)
weighted_chars[c] = w if invert else 1 - w
if normalize:
cmax = max(weighted_chars.values())
cmin = min(weighted_chars.values())
for c in weighted_chars.keys():
weighted_chars[c] = (weighted_chars[c] - cmin) / (cmax - cmin)
return weighted_chars
def find_char(pixel, weighted_chars):
"""Find and return character from dict with similar darkness to image pixel"""
return min(weighted_chars.keys(), key=lambda c: abs(pixel - weighted_chars[c]))
def image_to_ascii(image, width=None, height=None, chars=" .',:;+*?%S#@", font=None, invert=False, normalize=False):
"""Convert image to ASCII chars"""
img_w, img_h = image.size
if width and not height:
height = int(img_h * (width / img_w))
elif height and not width:
width = int(img_w * (height / img_h))
elif not (height or width):
width, height = img_w, img_h
image = image.resize((width, height)).convert("L")
if not font:
font = ImageFont.load_default()
elif isinstance(font, str):
font = ImageFont.truetype(font)
weighted_chars = weigh_chars(chars, font, invert, normalize)
pixels = image.load()
ascii_art = ""
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
ascii_art += find_char(pixels[j, i] / 255, weighted_chars)
if j == width - 1:
ascii_art += "\n"
return ascii_art
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Find and return character from dict with similar darkness to image pixel
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def find_char(pixel, weighted_chars):
"""Find and return character from dict with similar darkness to image pixel"""
return min(weighted_chars.keys(), key=lambda c: abs(pixel - weighted_chars[c]))
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Convert image to ASCII chars
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def image_to_ascii(image, width=None, height=None, chars=" .',:;+*?%S#@", font=None, invert=False, normalize=False):
"""Convert image to ASCII chars"""
img_w, img_h = image.size
if width and not height:
height = int(img_h * (width / img_w))
elif height and not width:
width = int(img_w * (height / img_h))
elif not (height or width):
width, height = img_w, img_h
image = image.resize((width, height)).convert("L")
if not font:
font = ImageFont.load_default()
elif isinstance(font, str):
font = ImageFont.truetype(font)
weighted_chars = weigh_chars(chars, font, invert, normalize)
pixels = image.load()
ascii_art = ""
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
ascii_art += find_char(pixels[j, i] / 255, weighted_chars)
if j == width - 1:
ascii_art += "\n"
return ascii_art
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Find and return density of dark pixels in the given character
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def weigh(c, font):
"""Find and return density of dark pixels in the given character"""
w, h = (6, 11)
fw, fh = font.getsize(c)
im ="L", (fw, fh))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text(((w - fw) / 2, (h - fh) / 2), c, 255, font=font)
n = len([p for p in im.getdata() if p > 0])
return n / (w * h)
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def weigh_chars(chars, font, invert: bool, normalize: bool):
weighted_chars = dict()
for c in chars:
w = weigh(c, font)
weighted_chars[c] = w if invert else 1 - w
if normalize:
cmax = max(weighted_chars.values())
cmin = min(weighted_chars.values())
for c in weighted_chars.keys():
weighted_chars[c] = (weighted_chars[c] - cmin) / (cmax - cmin)
return weighted_chars